Privet Brothers & Sisters!!! What a blessed time we had in Ivanovo. We had a wonderful breakfast meal again; today we had belini with sweetened condensed milk and lots of other dishes! Today we had a church service where Pastor Ilya led us through a passage in Matthew 6:1-6. We reflected on glorifying God and not ourselves. What an awesome message and reminder for us as we serve the Lord in Russia. We then proceeded to have chai and snacks. Afterwards we cleaned Ilya and Sonya's home and mowed their grass. We then had our last meal together as we ate lunch and then had great fellowship after. They played blues music for us and we then packed up to head back to Calvary Chapel Vladimir.
On the way back to Vladimir Darby, Marti, Ismael, and Jerry took a detour to Suzhdahl. We then met back up at the church and were blessed with time to shower and rest. The Lord is good! He is doing a mighty work in Ivanovo, it is not an easy city or an easy task. They have a lot of work ahead of them in this city. Please join us in praying for Pastor Ilya, Sonya, and their growing family. We are street evangelizing in Vladimir and have an outreach with the youth tomorrow night. Thank you for your prayers! May we glorify the Lord in all that we do.
Here is a brief shout out from our team and a snapshot of their impression of Ivanovo:
Ron: So blessed by the outpouring of love among the team and the Russian believers. May it spill over on all those we meet!
Rick: God will use you if you are willing.
Ismael: The Holy Spirit was working in the city and in the church.
Jerry: God can use a willing heart.
Christine: A pure picture of faithful servants submitting and trusting in the Lord's will for their lives. The Lord is moving in Ivanovo! May we trust, glorify, and have a sense of urgency for God in ALL we do.
Marti: Ilya and Sonya were a beautiful example of surrender and love, to me. It was an incredible opportunity to serve with them for a short while on the streets of Ivanovo.
Darby: Memorable and you could feel God's presence as the team bonded together witnessing. Life Changing!
Suzhdahl |
We pray this blesses you as we share just a bit of an amazing two days that we cannot just some up in a sentence, our hearts are too full with what the Lord is showing us!
Church in Ivanovo | | | | | | | | | | | |
Take heed that you do not
do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you
have no reward from your Father in heaven. Therefore,
when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the
hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have
glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly." Matthew 6:1-4
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