We write to you from the Moscow airport. We have heavy hearts as we
leave our brothers and sisters in Russia-but are excited at the same time
to see how the Lord will use our trip and our testimonies at home! On
Saturday we had our regular devotions and breakfast and then headed out
to the streets for more evangelism. We had another mini concert and
passed out invitations to the Sion concert that night. For lunch we were
blessed by Yulia Fadness's Mom (Vera) with lunch and fellowship at her
home. We then proceeded to the church to prepare for the concert. At the
concert a handful of new youth came-pray for them! It was a great night
and great fellowship, we even got up as a group and performed Waves of
Mercy which was a huge hit :)
Sunday morning we had
our last breakfast at the church together. Pastor Ron shared the Word
from 1 John 1 and we got up as a team again and performed Waves of Mercy
and hand motions :) During the second service the team joined the
prayer meeting that takes place every Sunday. It was a precious time of
seeking the Lord. It will bless you to know that they pray for Calvary
Chapel Pocatello EVERY Sunday!!!!! We then ate lunch at the church, had
fellowship, and then Pastor Ron, Darby, Jerry, and Ismael went to visit a
couple of people in city center. While Rick prepared to teach the youth
and Marti and Christine stayed behind to attend the youth meeting. We
then had a big huge gathering of everyone as we welcomed the new team
that came from Lynchburg Pennsylvania, Natasha from Africa, Sasha and
Sveta from St. Petersburg, plus our beloved body members. We had a time
of worship and then proceeded to fellowship and share a meal together.
We did not go to sleep as we packed and had to leave at 1 AM to head to
Moscow since traffic is so bad. We are now at the Moscow airport. We
arrived early, Praise the Lord! Please pray for those that we were able
to minister to, plant seeds, and overall the church body in Russia. Also
pray for traveling mercies as we travel today! Sending lots of love to
you from your beloved team, we are excited to share with you what the
Lord has done for each of us and what He showed us through His love
these last two weeks!
"This is the message which we
have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is
no darkness at all." 1 John 1: 5
At Vera's Flat |
Lunch with Vera |
Team in front of Church |
Team singing a farewell song in Russian |
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