But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience." Luke 8:15
The last two days have flown by! On Thursday we had another great day in Kalchugino. The ladies started off their day with the Women's Prayer at 6:30 with our sisters from the Kalchugino church, then we had devotion and breakfast. After breakfast we headed out for street evangelism before the mid week church service. Be in prayer for the city, it is a hard city! We were blessed to see some fruit as a new family attended the church service with us that evening after we had talked to them on the streets. Pastor Ron led the mid-week study and then we concluded with dinner and fellowship. Afterwards, we then made our way back to Vladimir. This morning, we woke up early to go and see Moscow! We were tourists today :) But the Lord still used us! We met a group of Christian missionaries who were from South Korea that were playing worship songs on the steps of St. Basil's Basilica. We had a very busy day as we toured around together, we had a great day of fellowship. Please continue to pray for our team that we would not let our guard down but that we would finish our trip strong in the Lord! We have evangelism and a concert tomorrow, so we still have a lot of work to do :)
Moscow: Red Square |
Brothers and Sisters from South Korea |
Moscow: Red Square, with St. Basil's in background. |
Kalchugino market place. |
Kalchugino (same place), with our interpreters taking a turn singing. |
Heading to the train station! |
Moscow: Posing inside the GUM. |
Moscow: Eternal Flame |
Moscow Metro |
Moscow: "Center of Russia" |
On the train! |
Our fearless leader. |
I am really enjoying your blog. Love all the wonderful pictures of Pastor Pasha & Lena and of course dear Lydia (give her hugs from me -she is such a beautiful lady). Looks like you are out there getting the Gospel out to everyone you can. Music is always a good draw :) Loved seeing the picture of the wonderful dinner provided in the yard of Pastor Ilya & Sonya... Can't wait to hear all the stories when you return home. May God continue to richly bless and guide each one of you and keep you safe also. And May God bless the wonderful people giving their time, cooking food, interpretting and welcome you all. I am so blessed to share in this Mission through each one of you. Love you all and miss you :)