Below are photos and some descriptions of what we've been doing and experiencing here in Joplin. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. We will be sharing about our trip in full detail this Sunday evening, July 31st at 6pm, at Calvary Chapel. We hope you can join us!
This is the food and clothing distribution center at CC Joplin. To earn our stripes as a team, all newbies must serve the community here. This is the place where we can serve the people of Joplin most effectively. Many souls have been ministered to here and have then come to know the Lord.

After food and supplies are loaded up by a team member, we then talk with, pray with, and most of all, cry with those to whom we are ministering as we try to help in any way we can. There is an amazing work being done through the Lord to the community and our team too.

Close up view of the clothing and misc. supply side of the distribution center. The shade is nice, it's only about 97 degrees in there compared to 107 in the direct sunlight.
After going through and getting clothing, we give out Bibles to all and then we load up boxes of food. This is a good place to minister because all who come to the distribution center will always go through the food side. As food starts to get low, I've seen some random semi trucks coming through route 66 and say "I saw your center here and have half a load of extra food/supplies and thought maybe they could use it" (meaning the distribution center here at CCJoplin) The Lord has perfect timing!!!
Crystal has never stopped helping!!! She has been the standard (of how a servant should be) and example to us all. She has inspired the people Joplin and has shown through her hard work that Christians are different and they have a hope (in Jesus) and a willingness to serve.

Ray has been in distribution center to help those who first walk in. He ministers to them and gives direction to begin recieving the supplies and help they need. There have been many people who have come through the distribution center for whom english is their second language. Through his gift of being bi-lingual, Ray has lead people to receive Christ as Lord and Saviour right there in the parking lot.
Trenni also uses his bi-lingual skills to minister too and give the good news of Jesus to all. Through the use of his gifts the Lord has saved marriages, abused wives, and has lead them to recieve Jesus as Lord.

Who knew that chairs facing each other could be such a good bed. After a hard and very hot days work this is a very well received resting place.

With wind speeds of 300-350mph, this was the world's first documented EF6 tornado. All objects in the epicenter of Tornado Joplin (TJ) was obliterated. This car was ripped in half and thrown half a mile.
On the right side of 20th street, the houses were just sucked up and foundations were only left. Clean up of this part of town is slowly moving toward this area.
More of the right side of 20th street.

Front view of Hope High School with ol'glory at half mast. God Bless Joplin.
Front signage of Hope High School.
Typical view of businesses and homes in Joplin. Some businesses have been able to move to temporary locations until they rebuild.
This house was lifted off the foundation and then slammed back to earth.
View of a neighborhood in the "red zone".
More apartments that were damaged.
Even with all the damage, people want to stay in their homes and defend them to the bitter end.

Greg leads us all in a Bible study every night after work.
The rest of the group and I finally got Valerie and Veronica in a picture. I am "picture Rambo"!
Yatta! Good job guys! Keep clinging to Jesus, and we'll see you soon!